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Taking a stand against the lack of voting resources in low-income neighborhoods, Boost Mobile launches their, “Boost Your Voice – Equal Access for All” campaign, and becomes the first private business to open their storefront for voting.

In addition to offering their business as a polling booth to 817 counties,  Boost has debuted a film shared online and on social, which documents how minority neighborhoods are under-represented during the election. They also created a petition on to pressure legislature for more voting booths, enlisted social influencers such as rapper, Mur, and added a polling booth locator on their website.

Boost has found a way to go at bat for their main customer, lower-income and minority Americans, in a meaningful way that is unheard of by any other brand. Taking on a systemic issue like this one is no easy challenge, but showing their customers they’re willing to go from county to county to petition for more voting resources, and volunteer their own time and resources, demonstrates their commitment to their consumer.