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Liqueur brand Kahlúa will be creating a pop-up art exhibit July 25-27 in New York to showcase Instagram posts that received zero likes. The brand hopes to encourage people to live in the moment instead of worrying about the number of likes they get on social media. 

Kahlúa partnered with actress Jackie Cruz to create this “Zero Likes Given” exhibition after conducting a millennial study that showed over 90 percent say it’s important to live in the moment, while more than half have missed an important moment because they were trying to capture it on social media. The gallery consists of dozens of original Instagram posts with zero likes from users all over the world, including the very first zero-liked photo that was posted the day after the platform launched in 2010. Fans can snag free tickets to the event on the brand’s website. Kahlúa also added a page to their site called “Bottom Nine” where visitors can rediscover their least-liked Instagram posts and save them to their camera roll or share them on Instagram. 

Kahlúa found a humorous way to engage with millennials that fits perfectly with its fun and laid back brand personality. Including the Bottom Nine microsite in the campaign allows fans outside of New York to participate while also tapping into the already popular trend of sharing and reminiscing on old social media posts.