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Nordstrom tapped into SnapChat and college campuses across the country in efforts to prove their relevance on the social platform.

Over the month of March, Nordstrom launched a Snapchat campaign that encouraged college campuses across the country to participate in a Snapchat Live Story. Through localized live stories, the Nordstrom social team engaged with students from the University of South Carolina, University of Oregon, University of Arizona, UCLA and Florida State University. To vote, participants were encouraged to screenshot the Nordstrom Live Story video that included their school’s name.  Nordstrom announced the University of South Carolina as the winner earlier in March and threw the university a party hosted by super-model, Karlie Kloss as well as giving out $100 shoe vouchers to 2,000 USC seniors on April 12. The Snapchat video generated approximately 6.7 million views as well as increased the brand’s overall Snapchat audience by 60 percent.

Since Nordstrom is no stranger to social media, the choice to utilize Snapchat makes perfect sense. I think this is an excellent example of how a brand can tap into a social platform to spark engagement both on and offline.